
Christian Alshon

Christian Alshon

What Bag does Christian Alshon use or wear? Let's explore together with the Christian Alshon Famegear community! ─ Christian Alshon started playing pickleball in 2021. Christian Alshon has his own signature style of pickleball, his tweeners and trick shots. Christian Alshon is often seen with his best friend Leigh Waters

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What gear does Christian Alshon use or wear?
Liona Jassica

Liona Jassica Added Diadem Tour 12pk Nova to Christian Alshon

Diadem Tour 12pk Nova

Diadem Tour 12pk Nova

Racket Bags

In this photo, Christian Alshon is also carrying a Diadem Tour 12pk Nova bag beside him.... View more

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Submitted by Liona Jassica Liona Jassica at

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Famegear Explanation 1 Contributors

In this photo, Christian Alshon is also carrying a Diadem Tour 12pk Nova bag beside him.

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John Harvey
John Harvey 4225

Verified submission quality to: Correct

This is true, but in this photo he is using the colour blue.

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